¡n[s]urgênç!as 2021 is a networking & culture mapping program between Berlin and Salvador de Bahia. Supported by Kreativ-Transfer funds, this 2021 edition is a cooperation with Intervalo Fórum de Arte, a research lab of the Federal University of Bahia, with the perspective to coproduce a (post pandemic) culture mobility program between Brazil and Germany (2021/2022).
The networking meetings will be directed to share research approaches between the partners, map emerging artists in both contexts, identify funding sources and facilitate initial networking between artists, curators and activists.
Our 2 organizations selected 2 projects to exchange knowledge and experience to devise such collaboration: insurgencias.net) & fricções e fluxos. These projects are partnered as two transatlantic archives which thematically touch on #decolonial perspectives, #newnarratives #diversity, #diaspora and #resistance.
The proposal we share is to build a “cartographic conversation” around our key question: What is insurgency today? / Where and how does insurgency manifest itself in contemporary art practices?
With this purpose we invite artists and curators who work and/or live in Berlin and Salvador to share their impressions related to the artistic production that transits through these two places, which are especially dynamic and pulsating.
Photo credits: Video still from “Too many steps for too little legs”. Performance by Suelen Calonga, Weimar 2020
Photo by Lorena Angeluze
Program phases
(1) Welcome meeting and presentation: Thursday, 28/01, at 2pm (BR) / 6pm (DE).
(2) Curatorship: from 28/01 to 28/02
Indication and invitation by program participants of 12 “insurgent” artists to share works
Development of the visual support for the cartographic conversation (with hotglue)
Development of a survey to support the culture mapping research between both organizations / contexts
(3) Culture mapping & art forum*: Where and how does insurgency manifest itself in contemporary art practices?
Sunday 14/03, at 14h Brazil / 18h Germany
with Pêdra Costa, Rogério Félix, Suelen Calonga
*This session will be broadcasted live. The language of this meeting will be Brazilian Portuguese
A subpage will be created from insurgencias.net, as an ongoing archive sharing the research and mapping emerging artists. In this session the survey will be made public and shared online for future artist contacts active in the thematic scope for the mobility program between Salvador de Bahia and Berlin.
Technical assistant by: *Laura Benevides (researcher, artist, critic and architect, writes for Uncool Artist magazine).
LIVE Link: https://meet.google.com/igb-mhoy-ohz
(4) Final networking meeting: How do we continue to interact? Mobility Program Berlin > Salvador de Bahia.
with Lia Krucken, Ines Linke, Paz Ponce, Daniela Labra.
Suelen Calonga
Pêdra Costa
Daniela Labra
Paz Ponce
Salvador de Bahia
Laura Benevides
(Salvador de Bahia)
Lia Krucken
(Salvador de Bahia)
Ines Linke
(Salvador de Bahia)
Rogério Felix
(Salvador de Bahia)
Suelen Calonga (visual artist, cultural manager and curator, BR)
Suelen Calonga is a visual artist, cultural manager and curator. Graduated in Social Communications (PUC-MG, 2007), specialized in Images and Media Cultures (UFMG, 2010) and currently concluding a masters at the MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies program (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2020). Her ongoing research crosses academic, political and poetic experiences and interests from previous investigations with her spiritual journey linked to the Afrobrazilian cult Candomblé, culminating in the independent restitution of a cultural and liturgical heritage discovered in Germany and collected in Salvador in 1937, a time when Candombléwas still prohibited in Brazil. Suelen worked between 2014 and 2018 at Sesc-SP integrating the Visual Arts and Socio-Educational teams, working in cultural management and curatorship of artistic projects with themes of broad social interest, especially in the field of ethnic-racial relations and studies of gender and sexuality. Before that, she worked as a photographer, freelance editorial designer and executive producer of musical careers through the Brazilian music export program of the House of Creative Economy of Sebrae-MG, participating in the Brazilian delegation at MIDEM 2014 in Cannes, France. Artistically, her work is situated between audiovisual, performance and, more recently, is moving towards strategies of artistic research as a poetic method in order to contain both her transmedia autobiographical narrative and the critique of processes and procedures that sustain the colonization of knowledge through arts and science.
Pêdra Costa (queer artist, urban anthropologist and performer, BR/DE)
Pêdra Costa is a ground breaking, formative Brazilian, urban anthropologist and performer based in Berlin that utilizes intimacy to connect with collectivity. They work with their body to create fragmented epistemologies of queer communities within ongoing colonial legacies. Their work aims to decode violence and transform failure whilst tapping into the powers of resilient knowledge from a plethora of subversive ancestralities that have been integral anti-colonial and necropolitical survival.
Some exhibitions include Manifestos for Queer Futures – HAU, Berlin 2019; Living in Foul, Hessel Museum of Art, New York 2019; DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin 2018; Matadero Madrid 2018; Multitud Marica: Activaciones de archivos sexo-disidentes en América Latina, Santiago de Chile 2017 (Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende); QUEER ENCOUNTERS_VIENNA TRANS LA, Los Angeles 2017 (CalArts School of Art); WELT KOMPAKT?, Vienna 2017 (frei_raum Q21, MuseumsQuartier); Millionaires Can Be Trans // You Are So Brave, Berlin 2015 (Schwules Museum); Oral Museum of the Revolution, Barcelona 2013 (MACBA); Caos e Efeito, São Paulo 2011 (Itaú Cultural).
Rogério Félix (independent curator, researcher in social museology and Afro-diasporic art history, BR)
Rogério Felix is a graduate student in Museology at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Investigates the potential from images of African cultural heritage in museum collections to experiment with interdisciplinary curatorial practices, revolving around issues that collaborate to promote historical self-determination. Is interested in the relations between (non)material-visual culture and contemporary art in Latin America, working through documentation, research, educational/cultural action and criticism. Recently, joined the curatorship of Fórum da Imagem/Galeria Homero Massena (2020) and was collection assistant at Centro Cultural Solar Ferrão (2018-9), assisting the management of the Claudio Masella Collection of African Art and the Popular Art Collection. Currently, is part of the Milton Santos Fellowship Program (2020-1), developing the work plan Exhibition platforms, museum devices, memory spaces: the Casa de Angola Cultural Center in Bahia, Salvador; also is a member of the research group Archaeology of the Sensitive and co-curates Gravidade – independent art journal.
Consulting Curators
Daniela Labra (curator and art critic, founder of za_it Cursos em Arte Contemporânea, BR)
Daniela Labra (b. Santiago de Chile, 1974) is a visual arts curator and art critic. Postdoctoral fellow at the School of Communication, UFRJ, for the project After the Future: Ruins and reinventions of Modernity in contemporary arts (2014-2016). PhD in History and Art Criticism from the Postgraduate School of Fine Arts, UFRJ, with the thesis International Legitimation of Brazilian Art, analysis of a path: 1940-2010, winner of the Gilberto Velho Thesis Award of UFRJ 2015, in the area of Arts and Letters. Develops curatorial projects, critical writing and research in the area of Visual Arts, working mainly on the following themes: Brazilian art, Latin American historical and aesthetic processes, performance art, performativity, art and politics. She teaches Curating Performance Art and Art & Politics at NODE Center. Professor of Art Theory and History at EAV Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro (2010-2016). Fine arts critic at O Globo newspaper (2014-2016). Curator of the 2017 Triennial Frestas: Between Post-Truths and Happenings, SESC Sorocaba, São Paulo. Resides and works between Rio de Janeiro and Berlin. Currently collaborates with Select Magazine, SESC São Paulo, Plataforma Insurgencias, ngbk Berlin among other networks.
Ines Linke (artist and researcher, professor at the Federal University of Bahia, coordinator of the Urbanidades group and curator at Intervalo Fórum de Arte, BR)
Ines Linke is a researcher and artist. She teaches art theory and history in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Visual Arts at the School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Bahia. She coordinates the research group Urbanidades, the Bem Comum project, and is part of the Thislandyourland duo. Her theoretical and practical researches go through the themes: art and territories, art/power and collaborative processes. She recently joined the curatorial teams of the exhibitions The artist book – processes in transit (2017- 2019), Echoes of the South Atlantic (2018-2019) and Nkaringana: objects and stories in transit (2019- 2020) and conceived the Interval – art forum debate cycles (2017-2019). She coordinated, in Covid-19 pandemic, together with Lia Krucken, the virtual art residency F(r)ications and the online course Artistic Gestures in times of crisis.
Research and curatorial assistant
Laura Benevides (architect and artist, researcher and critic, and participates in projects in the area of contemporary art)
Laura Benevides is a researcher, artist and architect. She is a Master’s student in Argentine and Latin American Art History (IDAES/UNSAM), graduated in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts (IHAC/UFBA) and in architecture and urbanism (UNIFACS). She investigates possible crossings between art and architecture through ephemeral occupations of space and curatorial practices, with an interest in the intersection between art and politics in Latin American artistic production. In recent years he has been dedicated to an interdisciplinary practice between graphic art, set design, exhibition design and curatorial practice. She coordinated the study group Revoada – Práticas Artísticas Insurgentes (Uncool Artist, 2020). She is a collaborator of the research group urbanidades (PPGAV/UFBA). She is curator of the virtual exhibition “The exception and the rule: urban emergences”.
Coordination & curatorship
Lia Krucken (artist and researcher, curator at Intervalo Fórum de Arte, visiting professor at Universidade Federal da Bahia, BR)
Lia Krucken is an interdisciplinary artist and member of the collectives Insurgências, in Berlin, and Esfinge Coletivo Ancestral, in Coimbra. She is a visiting professor at the Graduate Program in Visual Arts at the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Bahia – UFBA, where she is a post-doctoral fellow. She has been developing workshops in Brazil, Italy, Portugal, and Germany. She investigates movements, migrations, and displacements, with a focus on Afro-Brazilian insurgencies and textualities. She is part of Intervalo art forum and develops projects in collaboration with Casa do Benin and Museu Afrobrasileiro, in Salvador. She coordinated, in the 2020 pandemic, together with Ines Linke, the virtual artistic residency F(r)icções and the online course Gestos Artísticos em tempos de crise. Recent publications: Nkaringana: objects and stories in transit (2020), Can exile be home? Poetics and singular refuges (2021), 4 inutilities for a barbaric world (2021).
Paz Ponce (Curator of Agora-neue häute e.V., founder of insurgencias.net, ES/DE)
Paz Ponce Pérez-Bustamante (Cádiz, 1985, Spain) is an independent culture producer, writer & researcher of contemporary artistic creation, actively involved in culture exchange networks between Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. With a background in art history (Universidad Complutense, Madrid / Freie Universität, Berlin), she investigates the collective context in which art is produced and mediated, with a special focus on self-organization, culture of cooperativism and biographical research. She specializes in the development of process-oriented formats such as archival and research exhibition projects, art in residency programs, learning platforms and professional networks, collaborating with: NON Gallery, Galerie Wedding, Agora Collective e.V., ZK/U, 48 Neukölln, Uferstudios für zeitgenössischen Tanz, nGbK — in Berlin; Casa Tomada (São Paulo, BR), B-Tours Festival (Tel Aviv, IR), Cinema Lumbardhi (Prizren, KV), Laboratorio Artístico de San Agustín (LASA) & Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam (Havana, CU), Esplanade – Theaters on the Bay (Singapore, SG), Academy of the Arts (Szczecin, PL). Artistically since 2018 she works with Club Real devising participatory dramaturgies within contextual art projects (13 Havana Biennial, CU; Impulse Theater Festival, DE).
Her practice expresses itself through her involvement in associate collective ventures, as founder and manager of platforms and self organized initiatives such as: Calipsofacto Projects (s.2008, Madrid, co-founder), berlinerpool arts network (2013-2017 Chief Curator), Agora Collective e.V. (2014-2021, Coordinator & Artistic co-director), ¡n[s]urgênc!as: Platform for socially conscious artistic practices & activist positions from Latin America (s. 2018, Berlin, Founder & Artistic director), neue Häute e.V – Künstler- und Kurator*innen Kollektiv & Ana Conda am Ufer (ACaU) / Kollektiver Forschungsraum, Café-Resto-Bar (2020 co-founder & managing and artistic co-director).
Mapping insurgencies in Berlin & Salvador de Bahia. Link survey here (English) & Link Formulario aqui (Portuguese)
Más información
Collaborations / Partnerships
Intervalo Fórum de Arte is an initiative organized by the Graduate Program in Visual Arts at UFBA. It proposes to discuss and (re)think perspectives for the field of arts, debates with curators, artists and cultural agents about exhibition approaches and geopolitical issues. Institutional partnerships include the Museu Afrobrasileiro, Casa do Benin and the Goethe Institut Salvador-Bahia.
¡n[s]urgênc!as – Berlin-based platform for socially conscious artistic practices & activist positions from Latin America is a professional network for immigrant cultural activists of Latin American origin in Berlin. The platform facilitates meeting, orientation and connection formats with local experts of the sector with the aim of integrating newcomers into the professional network of Berlin, and helping them to position their artistic expression in the creative context of Germany. It was founded in 2018 by Agora Collective e.V. Currently it hosts its meetings at Agora- neue häute e.V. inside the Uferstudios in Berlin-Wedding.
Agora Collective e.V.
The Agora Collective was originally founded in 2011 by a multidisciplinary team as an independent project space in Mittelweg, 50 Berlin-Neukölln. Since then, Agora expands its mission to be a Berlin-based Center for Collaborative Practices, focusing on professional development for artists and artist residency opportunities.
Host / Sponsor
neue häute e.V. (f.2020) is a Berlin association of artists and curators formed around the development of a new project-space inside Uferstudios: Ana Conda am Ufer (ACaU), in which a Café-Resto-Bar and a LAB are interwoven as places and as practices. Choreographic-artistic and curatorial work are situated and contextualized, a wide variety of participatory spheres are created. The association’s aim is to support independent culture production locally, from alternative models of consumption, to self-organization, care & feminist politics and interdisciplinary collaborations focused on process-based practices and practice-based research. *Core team (Vorstand): Silke Bake, Sheena McGrandles, Paz Ponce, Jo Vávra. **Associate founding members: Kitti-Acosta Zsiga, Diego Agulló, Shelley Etkin, Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez, Akiko Watanabe. > Contact: collective@neuehaeute.org / ACAU@neuehaeute.org
Sponsored by Kreativ-Transfer, with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
| Gefördert durch Kreativ-Transfer, aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Kreativ-Transfer: The creative transfer program supports the international networking and visibility of companies, artists and creatives in the fields of performing arts, visual arts and games.