"Memoria, refracción y tiempo" Berlín / Open Studio 23.05.19
“Memory, Refraction and Time” Presentation of an artwork by ¡n[s]urgênc!as 2019
Artist-in-Focus: Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez (Honduras)
Thursday 23rd May – Free entrance
19.00-22.30 at ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
Siemensstrasse 27
10551 Berlin
Agora Collective e.V. is thrilled to introduce you to our artist-in-focus: Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez during ZK/U’s OPENHAUS PLUS event.
¡Ven a encontrarnos en una noche de performances, videos, instalaciones, charlas de residentes, publicaciones, escultura, comida y bebida hospedado por nuestros socios en Moabit!
G.V. MÁRQUEZ will be presenting a new version of his multimedia installation “Memory, Refraction and Time” (Produced for 3 Honduras Biennale, Galería Nacional de Arte, 2010).
Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez is one of the fellow artists at ZK/U Berlin for the time: 28 Feb – 30 Nov 2019. During his stay in Berlin, Márquez will develop the artwork “The river told me so”, contributing to different thought-processes concerning the concept of <> (Ecologías de la protesta), the new research strand developed by Agora Collective’s platform: in[s]urgênc!as 2019, curated by Paz Ponce. His residency stay at ZK/U is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe under the frame of the Fellowship-Program Weltoffenes Berlin 2019.
¡n[s]urgênc!as is a platform for Latin-American artivists in Berlin organized by Agora Collective e.V. It facilitates meetings, orientation and connection formats with local experts of the sector with the aim of integrating newcomers into the professional network of Berlin, and helping them to position their artistic expression in the creative context of Germany.